More screenshots. This mod is STILL far from complete, please be very patient.
UPDATE 10/26/2011First in game screenshots of one of the cars in game. This mod is STILL in it's infancy, things are indeed subject to change:
UPDATE 10/21/2011
All models have been sent to the modder, Ian. I am currently waiting on whatever progress he has made.
UPDATE 10/4/2011
All models are now complete, including the 1937 Ford sedan. At this point all I can do is send the models to the modder, Ian. He has informed me he is simultaneously working on other projects, and that the mod process might take some time. Here are the final models:
From left to right in the 3rd image above:
1934 Chevy Coupe (1934 Ford coupe is very identical)
1934 Ford sedan
1937 Chevy sedan
1937 Ford sedan
Stay tuned for more updates!
UPDATE 9/30/2011
Upon completing the 1934 Chevy coupe legends car model, I decided to model the other cars in the 600racing legends car series.
***NOTE: the 1934 Ford coupe looks identical to the 1934 chevy coupe, so I did not model that.***
First up is the 1934 Ford sedan:
And then the 1937 Chevy Sedan:
And finally the 1937 Ford Sedan
The 1937 Ford Sedan is still incomplete, final update coming soon.
UPDATE 9/29/2011
Model is nearly complete, awaiting a final review from the Modder Ian S. I'm glad I was able to keep the polycount under 2000, which is vital in preventing the game from crashing.
The goal of this project is to create a racing mod for the a racing simulation called NASCAR racing 2003 Season. This game is still being raced today many many fans. I've always wanted to create a mod for it, but beyond the 3D modeling process it begins to get very complicated. Fortunately I have found someone who is willing to take this beyond the modeling process. This is the first car in the series, the 1934 Chevy coupe.
Model is still incomplete
As I said this model is incomplete. There is a catch however, the entire model must be under 2000 polygons.